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  3. Narrative WordPress Theme
  4. Getting Started
  5. Server Recommended Settings / Requirements

Server Recommended Settings / Requirements

In order to successfully run our themes on your website, your server environment will have to meet certain PHP and WordPress minimal version requirements.

PHP 7.4.X or higher

Themes require php 7.4.X or higher installed on your server.

In order to check your php version we recommend one of two methods:

If neither of these options works for you, please consult your hosting provider regarding the php version you are running on your server.

MEMORY LIMIT 256M or higher

You can have a closer look at how to increase the PHP memory by referring to the following article: Fix WordPress memory exhausted error increase php memory.

MAX UPLOAD SIZE 64M or higher

You can have a closer look at how to increase the PHP memory by referring to the following article: Fix WordPress memory exhausted error increase php memory.

Optional settings for PHP.INI file:

post.max_vars = 5000
request.max_vars = 5000
max_execution_time = 300

WordPress version

Although the themes will run on older versions of WordPress we highly recommend WordPress 5.6 or later.

In order to check which version you are running, please click on the WordPress icon in the upper left corner of your wp-admin console.

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